April 13, 2024


Research Projects

  • 2023-2025 PI FONDEF IDeA – ANID ID23I10033. “Desarrollo y evaluación de un hidrogel bacteriano súper absorbente para mitigar los efectos de la sequía en la agricultura de zonas semiáridas (DEHMIS)”. (US$ 248,000)


  • 2022-2026 PI FONDECYT REGULAR – CONICYT 1220235. “Unravelling the biophysical modulations of the soil-mucilage-root interface in response to drought and its impact on stomatal responses in different crop species (SoMuRo)”. (US$ 260,000)


  • 2023-2027 CO-I FONDECYT REGULAR – ANID 1231075. “Production, characterization, and evaluation of bacterial alginate as a hydrogel for agricultural applications facing climate change”.


  • 2023-2026 CO-I ECOS-ANID ECOS220012. “Time-lapse Imagery with a Differential stereoscope for Evapotranspiration measurements”


  • 2021-2022 CO-I ECOS-ANID C21E01. “Hydrogels based on the biowaste chitin nanofibers to save water in Chilean agriculture (NanoBioGel)”


  • 2022-2025 Sponsor POSTDOC ANID. “Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as part of microbial terroir in vineyards: Effect on grapevine volatile metabolome and wine aroma”.


  • 2021 CO-I DI-PUCV. “Production and characterization of bacterial alginates: evaluation of their use in agriculture”.


  • 2020 – CO-I DI-PUCV. “Núcleo de Investigación en Agricultura Protegida y Cambio Climático”.


  • 2018-2021 PI FONDECYT INICIACION – CONICYT 11180102. “Understanding how drought stress affects water uptake capacity at different developmental zones along the length of grapevine fine roots”. (US$ 133,821)


  • 2019-2023 CO-I FONDECYT REGULAR – CONICYT 1190816. “Rootstocks/scion hydraulic interaction: unraveling the contribution of root apoplastic, symplastic and transcellular water transport pathways on scion physiological performance”. (US$ 258,336)


  • 2017-2020 CO-I BMBF “Phenological and Social Impacts of Temperature Increase – A Case Study of Two countries (PASIT)”. (US$ 1,409,946)


  • 2018 PI DI-PUCV “Understanding how abiotic stressors such as drought affect water uptake capacity at different zones along the length of grapevine fine roots”. (US$ 2,800)